Until now, I haven't posted anything specifically of 2009. Apparently, I'm one of those people that step away and forget the holiday for a few months afterward-- like a half-year Halloween hangover.
Halloween 2009 was kind of a mess. The wind started pretty early Halloween morning when I started to set up. Unfortunately, setting up a day or two before is not an option in my neighborhood. Between teenaged vandals/thieves and the local buisy-body who's taken to calling the cops and zoning on his neighbors if there's even a scrap of something out of place or junky looking on your lawn, well, it would just be setting myself up for heartbreak. So, onwards and upwards we trudge through the 17+ hour day. Set things up, enjoy the 20 or so ToT's that come thru in the rain, try not to pummel the neighbors kid who insists on running through and trying to karate-kick my ghouls and then take it all down again in 50 degrees, wind and rain at midnight.
Not the best Halloween I've ever had. There was a good deal of stuff that couldn't go out because of the weather, and the outdoor lights proved not so outdoor worthy, so everything was left to bask in the glow of the candles that somehow withstood the weather. But other than that, and the horrible realization I'd be forced to make two trips to storage the next day to get it all out of my parents sight, I'd say it was worth it. :)
It's ALWAYS worth it.
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