It's ANGELINA! And Yeah. Uh, huh. Tell me another, Hollywood. I know all about what your definition of a "movie" is these days... You may have the tweens, teens and all the clueless consumer sad sacks in between fooled and frothing to shell out the money on a Friday night for an overpriced celluloidal orgy of everything with extra butter, but not me. I see right through you!
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Say it ain't so! |
Okay, maybe longer-- I must've blacked out from the shock and anger of the news.
Now, I've put up with a lot of Hollywood's sh*t, and like Venus, I am not all together innocent of partaking in and even enjoying a remake now and again, so I try to stay open minded. We've all probably wished bits of a movie were different or yes, even flat out redone. Directors cop to it all the time and issue their own preferred cuts, but this? This is a little too much. Carrie is sacred space for me. One of the very few movies of a long list of loves, I can be zealously Margaret White about. Fright Night, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween... fine. Take them if you must (especially if you want Rob Zombie to direct, that I can understand. at least he's a fan of the genre and can show the original material some respect), but leave me my Carrie!
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It's a joke, right? |
Fer serious?! For shame.
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I can't take it anymore! |
I mean, yeah. I'll probably watch it, but WAY after the release date and most likely rented from netflix so I don't feel so guilty about it. Got know what I'm loathing and why... right? ;)
Better watch out, Hollywood. Careful where you're peddling your remake wares...
Go read Venus' original post. She's got the details a little better covered than me. I'm still too invested in the denial stage.
HAHAHAH!!!!! this made me smile from ear to freaking ear. you nailed every nail on the (pin)head! thanks for the mention and PHEW, thank goodness there is someone on these here internets that have some sense. :)
PS - i love love loooove how you dont let julianne moore get away with this shit. no excuse. no greater truth was ever spoken!
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